This film review was made under the supervision of Prof. Kriztine Viray. Our class was asked to watch any latest foreign movie, and critic its stylistic and narrative side. Submitted at www.nicenet.org. This is what i have to say. Feelin like a pro. :))
If you want to live, you will obey.
It's a new product of Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks Studio, not surprisingly, hearing the name Steven Spielberg, first thing that would enter your mind, “another sci-fi film”. Eagle Eye's concept is about man vs. technology. The first time I saw its movie trailer, way back when I was watching The Incredible Hulk, I really got interested with it because I'm really into action films. But it never came to my mind that it has a sci-fi in it. All I thought was its genre was action.
I had also seen Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull in the movie house, which obviously, with all those alien thing, is a product of Steven Spielberg as well. But I must say Eagle Eye is much much better. I am not sure if they used chroma (like what is so-used in Indiana Jones) but it doesn't matter because it was so realistic. All those special effects were done excellently.
Casting was so impressive. Their performance was good as far as acting is concerned. Editing was very well organized and in terms of camera shots, it was quite striking. They had used the most efficient shot necessary for the scene. Those entire fast-paced chases throughout the movie made the audience feel that they were part of it. Cars being smashed and blown upside down, explosives, with all the latest technology needed for the finest editing, this movie surely spent a lot.
Bravo to the great cinematography which should be credited to Dariusz Wolski. Hoho, did some research about that. I believe he has really this talent applying those camera shots. The set design, especially for the Eagle Eye base; it was really futuristic. There was no problem with the blockings and with regard to the scoring and sound effects; I think it's pretty nice. There was once a director who told me, in the person of Direk Jun Cabreira, a good scoring should be something you don't notice that there is a background music playing. So I must say that the scoring was pretty fine. I wasn't aware that a scene has its musical scoring not until when I recalled what Direk Jun said, and then I started paying attention on it.
The plot is about the system controlling a person's life. The film begins with the armed forces getting a lead on a suspected terrorist. As the man is a stranger, getting a positive ID proves difficult, and the computer system recommends that the mission be aborted. The Secretary of Defense (Michael Chiklis) agrees with the abort recommendation, but the President orders the mission be carried out anyway. This turns into a political backlash when all those killed turn out to be civilians, and retaliatory bombings are carried out in response. This was a little vague to me at first (I thought they will just show the evolvement of the technology) not until the end of the film which I realized it served as the back story why a top secret super-computer called ARIA has decided that the executive branch is a threat to the public good and must be eliminated. ARIA plans to destroy the President's Cabinet, and calls this Operation Guillotine.
The scene abruptly shifts to the life of two unrelated people, a copy associate at Copy Cabana, Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) and a young single mom Rachel Holloman (Monaghan). They were thrown together by a phone call from a mysterious woman. I never thought that the call was from a computer system, until the woman introduced herself or itself in a home tv shop.
In the story, Jerry and Rachel are complete strangers. In my opinion, I think it would be better if there was just someone or something that made them related with each other reasoning out why the hell they were the ones activated to do the tasks given by ARIA.
On ARIA, it reminds me of the satellite system used in the movie “So Close”. If I'm not mistaken, it was tagged as The Panorama, but it still needs someone to operate it, unlike ARIA who thinks and operates on its own. ARIA uses surveillance and other technology to manipulate Jerry and Rachel into executing more and more dangerous tasks which eventually turn them into country's most wanted fugitives. I appreciate the twist or the back story on how Jerry's twin, Ethan died. Spoiler here... He was also trying to prevent ARIA's plans. I also like the way the movie ended, when Jerry had his warning shot to prevent Rachel's son's trumpet reach the high F which will be the trigger to the explosive necklace worn by Rachel, very heartfelt. That was so heroic.
All in all, there's no reason for me not to recommend this movie. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. Two-thumbs up for Eagle Eye!
Original Post: http://tidzey.multiply.com
Date: November 15, 2008
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